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✅ 2024 Effects of Alcohol on Liver's Function | Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test Answers

In general, for males it takes the liver up to ________ to process approximately one drink.
A.) 30 minutes
B.) 2 hours
C.) 1 hour
D.) 3 hours

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1 hour

The __________ breaks down complex molecules into simpler parts and allows them to be carried out of the body as waste.
A.) pancreas
B.) bladder
C.) liver
D.) None of the above

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In general, for males it takes the liver from 75 minutes to two hours to process approximately __________?
A.) four beers
B.) a bottle of wine
C.) one ounce of liquor
D.) one sip of tequila

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one ounce of liquor

Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which of the listed organs?
Cirrhosis is a disease that affects which among the following organs:
A.) Liver
B.) Kidney
C.) Stomach
D.) Pancreas

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EXPLANATION: Cirrhosis is a disease that affects Liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is diagnosed because the liver cells have died off and scar tissue has formed inside the liver.

Cirrhosis of the liver is an effect of ___________
A.) A. short term alcohol use.
B.) B. long term alcohol use.
C.) C. Neither A nor B

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long term alcohol use.

EXPLANATION: Liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver is the Long-term effects of alcohol use.

Which of the following is the last stage of liver disorder caused by alcoholism, which is often fatal:
A.) alcohol hepatitis
B.) delirium tremens
C.) cirrhosis
D.) hepatotoxic effect

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Which of the following long-term effects of alcohol abuse is irreversible?
A.) Fatty liver
B.) Cirrhosis of the liver
C.) Hormonal disruption

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Cirrhosis of the liver

Prolonged use of alcohol can severely injure and potentially kill your liver cells.

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Prolonged use of alcoholic beverages has been shown to do no damage to the pancreas.

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EXPLANATION: Prolonged hazardous drinking can result in progressive and irreversible damage to the pancreas gland. This occurs on the background of pancreatic inflammation, acinar atrophy and, ultimately, fibrosis and can result in significant exocrine and endocrine insufficiency.

With the intake of alcoholic beverages, damage to your pancreas can include inflammation, atrophy and fibrosis.

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With the intake of alcoholic beverages, damage to your pancreas can include_______.
A.) inflammation
B.) atrophy
C.) fibrosis
D.) all of the above.

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all of the above.

EXPLANATION: Prolonged hazardous drinking can result in progressive and irreversible damage to the pancreas gland. This occurs on the background of pancreatic inflammation, acinar atrophy and, ultimately, fibrosis and can result in significant exocrine and endocrine insufficiency.

Vision can deteriorate and body nutrition can decline as a result of liver damage.

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Vision and body nutrition improves as a result of liver damage.

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EXPLANATION: Vision can deteriorate and body nutrition can decline as a result of liver damage.

If you take aspirin in high doses and/or over a long period of time you could damage the function of your liver.

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EXPLANATION: Aspirin at such a low dose is unlikely to damage any of your other organs. With respect to your liver, Aspirin does not generally have negative effects on the liver.

If you take aspirin while you are drinking alcohol you may feel_______.
A.) very sleepy
B.) clumsy
C.) confused
D.) all of the above

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all of the above

Drinking alcohol while using aspirin can_______your chance of getting stomach ulcers.
A.) decrease
B.) increase
C.) not effect
D.) all of the above

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Drinking alcohol while using aspirin can increase your chance of getting stomach ulcers.

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The liver is capable of oxidizing approximately_______ounce of hard liquor per hour, regardless of the size of the person
A.) three
B.) two
C.) one
D.) no

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The liver’s function is to______ all-toxic substances from the body.
The liver's function is to _______ all-toxic substances from the body.
A.) keep the same
B.) remove
C.) concentrate
D.) adversely

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It is estimated that it could take up to ____ for your liver to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink.
A.) 10 minutes
B.) 20 minutes
C.) 1 hour
D.) 2 hours

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2 hours

EXPLANATION: After people have been drinking, it's harder to make safe decisions about not drinking and driving. Motor coordination and judgment are impaired, and it can be harder to react to dangers on the road. It can take up to two or more hours for your liver to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink, so a person will need to wait a whole lot longer to sober up than one hour.

Alcohol can cause liver damage.
Alcohol damages the liver’s primary function.

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Regardless of your size and weight, it takes your liver about ____ hour(s) to remove one drink from your system.
Your liver can remove about _____ drink(s) in one hour from your body.
A.) Three
B.) Two
C.) One
D.) No

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EXPLANATION: The liver can only process a fixed amount of alcohol, about one standard drink per one hour. The normal, healthy liver can metabolize (remove) only one standard drink per hour, regardless of the amount that has been consumed. The rest flows on to your heart. In one standard drink all of which contain the same amount of alcohol:
* 12 ounces of regular beer, usually about 5% alcohol
* 5 ounces of wine, about 12% alcohol
* 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits (shot of 80 proof whiskey), about 40% alcohol

Some of the functions of the liver damaged by alcohol are
A.) the production of the elements of the blood clotting
B.) breaking down of large proteins
C.) the storage of vitamin A
D.) all the above.

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all the above.

Some of the functions of the liver impaired by alcohol are_______.?
A.) production of blood clotting elements
B.) breaking down of large proteins
C.) storage of vitamin A
D.) all of the above.

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all of the above.

Approximately____% of all alcohol consumed is metabolized by the liver.
A.) 60
B.) 70
C.) 80
D.) 90

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Approximately 90% of all alcohol consumed is metabolized by the liver.

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Alcohol is metabolized by the_________.
A.) small intestine
B.) kidneys
C.) bladder
D.) liver

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Toxic substances like stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens are metabolized in the_______.
A.) heart
B.) lungs
C.) liver
D.) none of the above

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liver EXPLANATION: Alcohol is metabolized by the liver, where dehydrogenase enzymes break down the alcohol.

True or False: Alcohol can damage your liver, esophagus, stomach pancreas and heart.

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EXPLANATION: Heavy drinking can damage vital organs including the liver, heart and pancreas. Alcohol irritates the lining of the esophagus and stomach, increasing the risk for inflammation, tearing (ulceration) and bleeding of the stomach lining. Over time, heavy drinking can damage the brain and impair memory and thinking. Alcohol's Effects on Other Body Systems. In addition to the brain, alcohol can affect other body tissues.
1. Irritates the linings of the stomach and intestine - This can lead to vomiting.
2. Increases blood flow to the stomach and intestines - This increases secretions by these organs, most notably stomach acid secretion.
3. Increases blood flow to the skin causing person to sweat and look flushed.
4. Reduces blood flow to muscles leading to muscle aches.

Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are damaging effects on the ________ from alcohol abuse.
A.) Pancreas
B.) Heart
C.) Liver
D.) Stomach

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Alcohol does not impair the primary function of the liver.

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Alcohol impairs the primary function of the liver.

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The __________ process occurring in the liver rids the bloodstream of 90% of the alcohol present and is a constant process.
A.) Metabolizing
B.) Absorption
C.) Oxidation
D.) Excretion

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The oxidation process occurring in the liver rids the bloodstream of __________ of the alcohol present.
A.) 75%
B.) 90%
C.) 85%
D.) 80%

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True or False: The oxidation process occurring in the liver rids the bloodstream of 32% of the alcohol present.

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The body eliminates approximately 95% of the alcohol consumed into the body through the _________?
A.) Liver
B.) Lungs
C.) Heart
D.) Stomach

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The average liver metabolizes alcohol at a rate of approximately:
A.) 4 drinks per hour
B.) 3 drinks per hour
C.) 2 drinks per hour
D.) 1 drink per hour

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1 drink per hour

Chronic causes of alcohol-related deaths are led by __________.
A.) alcoholic liver disease and alcohol dependence
B.) alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis
C.) cancer and cirrhosis
D.) cancer and alcoholic liver disease

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alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis

Chronic alcohol abuse can cause __________, which can lead to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss.
A.) the pancreas to release its enzymes into the stomach
B.) the liver to lose its ability to properly metabolize nutrients
C.) the kidneys to lose their ability to properly metabolize nutrients
D.) A and C

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the liver to lose its ability to properly metabolize nutrients

Also find Effects of Alcohol on Heart's Function when consumed - Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test

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