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✅ When Driving at Night | Your Eye Movement, Visibility | Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test Answers

When driving, we get ___________ of the information we need from our eyes.
A.) 20%
B.) 35%
C.) 70%
D.) 90%

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90% when driving we get 90% of the information from our eyes.

You should always remember to keep your eyes __________ while you are driving.
A.) on the car ahead
B.) moving
C.) on the center line.

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EXPLANATION: You should always remember to keep your eyes moving while you are driving

You should always remember to _____ while you are driving
A.) Keep your eyes on the car ahead
B.) Keep your eyes moving
C.) Keep your eyes on the center line.

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Keep your eyes moving

Keep your eyes moving and be aware of your entire traffic ____
Keep your eyes moving and be aware of your entire traffic blank
A.) situation
B.) lights
C.) jam

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About 90% of the information you need to drive safely comes from your__________.
A.) Driving experience
B.) Eyes
D.) Ears

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Gathering information with your eyes is called
A.) peripheral vision.
B.) central vision.
C.) visual perception.
D.) rubbernecking.

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visual perception.

When driving, always keep your eyes moving. This statement means to
A.) scan the road for potential hazards.
B.) take a quick glance, then return your sight to the front.
C.) take a quick look every 5-10 seconds (mirrors, speedometer, gas gauge).
D.) all of the above are correct.

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all of the above are correct.

When driving, always keep your eyes moving. This statement means to
A.) Scan the road for potential hazards
B.) Quickly glance at your blind spot, then return your sight forward
C.) Quickly look in the mirrors, at the speedometer, and at the gas gauge every five to 10 seconds
D.) Perform all of the above

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Perform all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a good tip for driving at night?
A.) Beware of drowsiness.
B.) Keep your eyes locked on the road ahead of you.
C.) Increase following distance.

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Keep your eyes locked on the road ahead of you.

EXPLANATION: Whether it is day or night, always be on the lookout for hazardous roads conditions. Sometimes you find yourself on a road that's poorly maintained.

People with astigmatism driving at night be like.......
A.) glare from the headlights of oncoming cars
B.) halos around streetlights
C.) causing blurry and distorted vision
D.) All of these are correct

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All of these are correct

To develop good eye habits while driving, you should
A.) Do eye exercises to improve your vision
B.) Aim high, keep your eyes moving, and get the big picture
C.) Use eye drops whether you are or are not fatigued
D.) Fix your gaze straight ahead

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Aim high, keep your eyes moving, and get the big picture

To develop good eye habits, you should
A.) do eye exercises.
B.) use eye drops.
C.) always look ahead.
D.) aim high, keep your eyes moving, and get the big picture.

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aim high, keep your eyes moving, and get the big picture.

The rods and cones in the eye transmit light and __________.
A.) Color
B.) Images
C.) Reflections
D.) Motions

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EXPLANATION: The rods and cones in the eye transmit light and Color. The cones can transmit color while the rods transmit only dark and light.

In the case of distance judgment, the brain receives __________ from the two eyes.
In the case of distance judgment, the brain receives _from the two eyes.
A.) Two slightly different images
B.) Two very different images
C.) The same image
D.) Light and motion information

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Two slightly different images

In a dusk or dawn situation, older drivers experience
ANSWER: natural, age-related changes in vision.
vision changes that affect visibility in low light

The __________ in the back of the eyeball is made up of millions of rods and cones.
A.) Pupil
B.) Retina
C.) Iris
D.) Lens

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EXPLANATION: The Retina in the back of the eyeball is made up of millions of rods and cones.

__________ is critical to safe driving.
A.) Proper hand position
B.) Hearing
C.) Vision
D.) Proper seat position

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In order to drive safely, you need to ___________.
A.) possess good vision
B.) look to the side while keeping your head and eyes straight ahead
C.) Both A and B

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Both A and B

Your field of vision is greatly reduced by ________________________.
A.) traffic lights
B.) speed in addition to the effects of alcohol
C.) vehicle's parking lights and headlights
D.) fatigue, as it is considered an impairment.

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speed in addition to the effects of alcohol

At night when you meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights, the safest thing to do is:
A.) Turn your lights on high beam
B.) Look slightly to the left hand side of the roadway
C.) Open and shut your eyes rapidly
D.) Look at the head lights of the approaching vehicle

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Look slightly to the left hand side of the roadway

When a car with bright headlights comes toward you at night, you should:
A.) Look below the lights
B.) Allow other drivers to pass
C.) Look toward the right edge of your lane
D.) None of the above

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Look toward the right edge of your lane

Also find Always Use High and Low Beam Headlights When Driving Vehicle 1 - Traffic School, Defensive Driving, Drivers Ed Test Answers

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