Defensive Driving and traffic school courses help you to lower auto insurance rates, remove points from driver record, dismiss traffic ticket and to become a responsible driver. This course is 100% online and approved throughout your State. Complete the driving safety course and get rid of traffic tickets or lower your vehicle insurance premiums and keep your driver record clean.

2024 Traffic School Test Answers California, Traffic School Final Exam Answers 6

If your brakes should happen to fail while driving downhill, you should:
A.) Switch to a lower gear (if possible), pump the pedal brake, and gradually trim speed with the parking brake
B.) Find something soft to hit
C.) Pump the gas pedal until the brakes begin working again
D.) Immediately pull on the emergency brake

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Switch to a lower gear (if possible), pump the pedal brake, and gradually trim speed with the parking brake

When you notice a thick fog ahead of you while driving, you should:
A.) Reduce speed, but keep moving when entering a fog bank.
B.) Watch for slow moving vehicles ahead.
C.) Look in the rearview mirror every two to five seconds for vehicles approaching from the rear.
D.) all of the above.

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all of the above.

________ the brakes means pressing down on the brake pedal even when you are not stopping. It is not a safe way to drive.
________ the brakes means pressing down on the brake pedal even when you are not actually stopping.
A.) Pressing
B.) Covering
C.) Slamming
D.) Riding
E.) Handling

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The braking system of any single vehicle must be able to stop from a speed of 20 mph within ____________.
A.) 25 feet
B.) 35 feet
C.) 50 feet
D.) 100 feet

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25 feet

Drivers who display inappropriate emotions while driving, such as grief or worry:
A.) will immediately be arrested.
B.) will not have their attention on the road and will drive erratically.
C.) have nothing to worry about.
D.) can almost always keep control of their vehicle.

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will not have their attention on the road and will drive erratically.

In order to reduce whiplash resulting from an accident, the head support cushion should be adjusted to align with:
A.) Your shoulders
B.) The back of your head
C.) The back of your skull
D.) Your elbows

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The back of your head

The higher the speed, the ____ time a driver has to react to any hazard, the ____ it takes to stop.
A.) more, longer
B.) less, longer
C.) more, less time
D.) less, less time

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less, longer

At 55 mph, you will travel over ____ feet in 10 to 12 seconds.
A.) 500
B.) 800
C.) 1,000
D.) 1,200

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Must you stop when you are approaching a school bus that is stopped if you are driving from either direction?
A.) Only if we share the same lane.
B.) No
C.) Not if im going the other direction.
D.) Yes

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Trucks, school buses, and trailer buses, as well as any vehicle towing a trailer or another vehicle, may not drive at a speed higher than _____________ mph on a highway, even if the posted speed limit is higher.
A.) 50
B.) 55
C.) 60
D.) 65

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"Rush hour" can be longer than an hour, but it's usually centered around __________.
A.) 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
B.) 12 a.m. and 12 p.m.
C.) 5 a.m. and 9 p.m.
D.) weekends

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9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Never coast downhill in ______ gear, as it is not only illegal but also dangerous.
A.) 1 gear
B.) 2nd gear
C.) neutral
D.) Reverse

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When you should you be cautious of traction?
A.) when its hot outside.
B.) when hitting a bump, pothole , or crack in the road.
C.) when its moist outside.
D.) when you are parked.

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when hitting a bump, pothole , or crack in the road.

What rule should you follow when driving around large trucks?
A.) do not cut into open space infront of a truck.
B.) do not tailgate a truck.
C.) do not underestimate the speed of the truck
D.) all of the above.

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all of the above.

When sharing the road with livestock how should you share the road?
A.) Slow down and prepare to stop
B.) Weave in and out of them
C.) Speed to pass them
D.) Run them over

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Slow down and prepare to stop

When driving through deep water what two rules should you follow?
A.) Do not overload the rear and shift to a lower gear.
B.) Slow down and brake often.
C.) Drive slowly allowing water to rise and help float your vehicle to safety.
D.) none of the above

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Do not overload the rear and shift to a lower gear.

True or False: when a vehicle is moving at 30 miles per hour, so is everything inside it.
A.) True
B.) False

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On dry roads, it will take about ______ to react to a hazard and bring your car to a stop when traveling at 55 mph.
A.) 400 feet
B.) 1 foot
C.) 20 miles
D.) 5 seconds

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400 feet

When you notice a thick fog ahead of you while driving, you should reduce speed, but keep moving when entering the fog bank.
A.) True
B.) False

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When climbing steep hills outside business and residential areas, you are only allowed to overtake another vehicle traveling at ___ mph or less.
A.) 10
B.) 35
C.) 40
D.) 20

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When passing a slower-moving vehicle on a mountain road, you should:
A.) Floor the gas pedal to pass as quickly as possible.
B.) Pass slower than usual, to watch out for oncoming traffic.
C.) Motion to the driver to slow down so you can overtake them .
D.) Wait until they pull out at a turnout, or you come to a passing zone.

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Wait until they pull out at a turnout, or you come to a passing zone.

California Traffic School Final Exam Answers 7 | California Traffic School Test Answers 7

If you’re carrying anything in your vehicle that protrudes more than ____ feet past the rear of the vehicle, you’re required by California law to tie a red flag to the back of it, to make it more visible to other drivers.
A.) 2
B.) 4
C.) 6
D.) 8

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All vehicles (except motorcycles) manufactured after 12/31/68 must have one or more back-up lights that throw a white light ____ feet to the rear of the vehicle.
A.) 25
B.) 50
C.) 75
D.) 100

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When permitted to turn right at a red light, you must first bring your vehicle to ______________?
A.) a complete stop
B.) a rolling stop
C.) yeild
D.) all of the above

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a complete stop

When you want to turn left, right, or off the otherwise direct course you are following on a highway or road how long must you wait?
A.) Never
B.) Until its a safe moment.
C.) Right away.
D.) When ever you want.

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Until its a safe moment.

In a residential area when are U-turns permitted?
A.) At stop sign.
B.) at any time.
C.) at mid-block if there are no vehicles.
D.) none of the above

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at mid-block if there are no vehicles.

What are HOV lanes used for?
A.) Emergency vehicles
B.) High Occupancy Vehicles.
C.) Carpool
D.) All of the above.

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All of the above.

When coming to a flashing yellow light must you?
A.) Come to a complete stop.
B.) Slow down and be alert
C.) Speed up
D.) reverse

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Slow down and be alert

TRUE or FALSE? When yielding, you are expected to allow other vehicles to move ahead of your vehicle by giving them the right-of way.
A.) True
B.) False

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A blind intersection is one in which there are no stop signs at any corner and you can see less than ___ feet in either direction down the crossing street during the last 100 feet before reaching the intersection.
A.) 50
B.) 100
C.) 150
D.) 200

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Two solid yellow lines mean:
A.) Passing is allowed
B.) Passing is discouraged
C.) No Passing
D.) Pass at your own risk

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No Passing

No U-turns are permitted where a driver cannot clearly see the roadway and traffic for _________ feet in both directions.
A.) 100
B.) 200
C.) 300
D.) 400

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It is _____________ to enter an intersection if your way through it is blocked, even if you have a green light.
A.) Legal
B.) Against the law
C.) Safe
D.) Strongly discouraged, but legal

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Against the law

A construction area is represented by orange-colored signs.
A.) True
B.) False

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Pedestrians are __________ to yield the right-of-way to vehicles when attempting to cross a roadway outside of marked crosswalks and unmarked crosswalks at intersections.
A.) required
B.) not required
C.) sometimes required (depending on the situation)
D.) never supposed

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TRUE or FALSE? A 2009 study conducted by the Virginia Tech Institute of Safety found that although COMPOSING and SENDING text messages while driving significantly increases your risk of an accident, simply READING a text message is relatively safe while operating a motor vehicle.
A.) True
B.) False

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Collisions are rarely caused by someone driving on the wrong side of the road.
A.) True
B.) False

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EXPLANATION: Driving on the wrong side of the road is one of the most common causes for vehicle collisions

Per California law, a person who commits a criminal assault using a motor vehicle (commonly known as "road rage") against either another motor vehicle, an operator of a bicycle or a pedestrian will:
A.) Be sentenced to imprisonment for either 2, 3 or 4 years in State prison or more than 1 year in a county jail
B.) Be ordered to pay a fine up to $10,000.
C.) Get their driver's license suspended for up to 5 months or may be ordered to complete a court approved course on either anger management or "road rage"
D.) All of these answers are correct.

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All of these answers are correct.

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